
Episode 7 – Care Plans, Compliance and Revenue: What Veterinarians Need to Know

A smiling woman leans over her laptop with her small dog in her lap

Now more than ever, pet parents need help budgeting for veterinary care. At the same time, higher compliance, revenue and iron-clad client relationships are the chief goals of many practices. Are care plans the answer?


In this episode, Dr. Karen Felsted, a veterinary industry thought leader, explains why care plans are good for animal health and a practice’s bottom line. Dr. Felsted is the former CEO of the National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues and served on the research team for several major veterinary industry studies, including the Bayer Veterinary Care Usage Study.


Drawing on research and decades of experience, Dr. Felsted answers veterinarians’ most pressing questions about care plans, debunking common misconceptions about the plans. She emphasizes the role technology plays in modern care plans and the appeal of care plans to Millennials. She also shares the most effective steps to add customizable plans for preventive care, chronic care and dentistry to your practice flow.


Additional information:
Dr. Karen Felsted, MS, CVPM, CPA