
Tired of wasting time solving technology problems in-house?

Smiling tech support person looking at his desktop monitor screen and talking using a headset

Did you know there are three significant benefits of using a specialized on-call support team for your veterinary practice?

The importance of using a support team

It should come as no surprise that having a highly experienced veterinary software and hardware support team on call can help streamline and grow your practice. The availability and expertise of a specialized support team frees up time and resources in your practice that can be better spent on providing the best service to your clients and patients.


What about in-house support?

Utilizing a support team provides many benefits when compared to in-house and third-party support. Troubleshooting in-house uses internal staff members who might not always be best equipped to understand the true cause of an issue. Rather than solve the problem, it can delay it getting resolved.


A dedicated in-house support person can also cost more than an on-call specialist support team and it’s almost certain they won’t have the same shared knowledge and expertise. Likewise, third-party support services also won’t have a first-hand understanding of the specific technology and software and will most likely be an additional expense with a low return for your practice.


What are the benefits of a support team?

  • Live chat. In addition to support phone calls, online support live chats are often available during all business hours and can connect you with the right person for your specific query. This style of communication can also be less disruptive when managing other tasks at the same time.
  • Specialized knowledge. A support team offers knowledge and assistance for the specific query you’re after. The Covetrus support team includes a range of specialists who can help solve any issues in the context of your practice.
  • Supporting resources. A support team offers additional resources that can assist in-house efforts and provide resources for the benefit of the whole practice. These resources may include instructions, how-to-guides, frequently asked questions, demo videos and user manuals.

How does this benefit my practice?

  • Productivity. Staff can resume their daily tasks quickly before and after they access a specialist support team. With in-house support, staff frequently spend excessive time trying to communicate their issue to people who don’t necessarily understand the problem. Often, this means they resort to trying to solve it themselves unsuccessfully.
  • Cost savings. A support team saves cost by removing the need for in-house support. This support often comes in the form of high-quality user guides, in-context prompts and comprehensive frequently asked questions (FAQs).
  • Client satisfaction. Increased employee productivity and internal system support benefits the end client both directly and indirectly. The faster technical issues are resolved, the less likely they are to impact the client’s experience. Having more specialized support resources available means your practice can provide your patients with the best service possible.
Quotation Mark

The availability and expertise of a specialized support team frees up time and resources in your practice that can be better spent on providing the best service to your clients and patients.

Quotation Mark