Bettering Their Business: The Rep-Veterinarian Relationship

Today’s challenges have only strengthened the rep-veterinarian relationship.” Matt Malenfant, president for Covetrus’ North American distribution business

Originally published by VeterinaryAdvantage in December 2020

Settling into a new role is a major transition unto itself, but when Matt Malenfant took the role of president, North America Customer Operations (CONA), Covetrus, he had to do it amid the shelter-in-place orders brought about by COVID-19.

Malenfant spoke with Veterinary Advantage about those challenges, marketplace trends affecting veterinarians, the relationship between reps and veterinary practices, and expectations as we head into 2021.

Veterinary-Advantage: How have reps’ relationships with veterinary clinics faired amid the pandemic?

Malenfant: Relationships have actually strengthened. In difficult times, people turn to those they trust. Covetrus territory managers and the company as a whole have long-term, deep relationships with our customers. We have a passion for bettering their businesses, helping them bring better client services and better client outcomes. Our customers feel it, and they trust us. So, we were able to bounce back from an initial dip in business, and that combined with what we’ve built as a total portfolio of solutions, a one-stop-shop for their products, to increase the connectivity. It helps veterinarians reduce the vendor traffic within their practices because they can go to one company, Covetrus, and get what they need.

Veterinary-Advantage: How do you maintain that position going forward?

Malenfant: It’s always going to involve hard work. We have to stay focused on our mission, which is to focus on the veterinarian and help them deliver better outcomes. As the industry changed, as home delivery took off for us with our prescription management platform, we’ve shown them that’s how they can compete with those big-box retailers and e-commerce companies.

Read the full article here:

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