Environmental, Social &
Governance Report
As a global animal-health company dedicated to advancing the world of veterinary medicine, we are committed to providing ethical and sustainable solutions that improve the lives of our employees, customers and partners, while positively impacting the communities we serve. We strongly believe that this commitment is not only the right thing to do, but also makes good business sense and benefits our investors.

Welcome to Covetrus’ Inaugural Environmental,
Social & Governance (ESG) Report!

Although we are still a young company, ESG is already an important area of focus for our Board, Executive Leadership Team and Covetrians around the globe. We believe supporting our communities and the environment is a critical part of our foundation and our future success. Within this Report, you will learn about our commitment to ESG, our early progress and our team’s ESG activities across the globe.

We aspire to lead in all that we do, and I am pleased with our initial progress. This Report is both a celebration of where we are, as well as a commitment to where we are going…and we have just begun.

– Ben Wolin

We’re proud to share how Covetrians are making a positive impact across the globe.
Our Environmental, Social & Governance Program & Team

Our ESG program was launched in late 2019 under the supervision of the Board of Directors, which delegated oversight responsibility initially to the Nominating & Governance Committee, and as of October 2022 to the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee is responsible for periodically assessing our ESG activities and initiatives, providing strategic guidance on relevant ESG risks and opportunities, and overseeing our ESG operations.

The ESG Steering Committee is a global, cross-functional committee of dedicated Covetrians responsible for coordinating and supporting our ongoing commitment to sustainability, corporate social responsibility, good governance, and other public policy matters relevant to Covetrus.”

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