Avimark® support

Vet writing on a laptop in front of a large bright window

Self-help resources

Here you’ll find a variety of materials and documents that can help guide you with some of the most common support questions.

  • Releases
  • General resources
  • Point-of-Care Analyzers
  • Reference lab integrations
  • Inventory integrations
  • Avimark conversion process

Each software conversion is done in two passes: a First Pass and a Final Pass. The First Pass acts as a “trial run” and gives you the opportunity to set up your hardware, begin the basic setup of the software, and begin data transfer and backups. The Final Pass updates your client and patient records from the time your First Pass backup was made.


Note that the time between the First and Final Pass is a great opportunity to start training your staff on the software. Your template reminders will also be set up between your first and final pass.


Once we receive and convert your final data backup, your conversion process is complete!

We convert your current client information, patient information, medical history, treatment list and inventory list to work with your new AVImark software. Please click here for the full list of converted information.

First Pass (Trial Run) – Timeline: 3-5 Weeks

  • Data Cleanup: You clean up and delete inactive patients, close open invoices, etc.
  • Data Transfer: You make a data backup and send it to us for conversion.
  • Initial Setup: You set up any new hardware and begin basic software setup and training.

Data Review – Timeline: 3 Weeks

  • First Pass Review: You review the accuracy of your data and make a final data backup.

Final Pass (Go Live) – Timeline: 1-2 Days

  • Final Backup: You upload your data to our secure FTP site or ship us your final backup. We convert the data the very next day.
  • Go Live!: We convert your final data export and ensure a smooth start to using your new software.
Vet writing on tablet

Training videos on demand

Watch our collection of training videos about valuable topics such as Avimark configurations, medical records, invoicing and accounts receivables, estimates, appointments, inventory management and integrations.

Contact our support team


Please call us at (877) 999-2838 for support.

Live chat

Have a live online chat with a support team member. See hours

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Request form

Fill out the support request form and receive an answer back ASAP.

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Remote session

Activate a secure remote session with a support specialist. Learn more.

Download TeamViewer

Support hours

Avimark software

Phone and request forms

Monday–Thursday 7 AM–8 PM CST
Friday 7 AM–7 PM CST


Monday–Thursday 8 AM–8 PM CST
Friday 8 AM–7 PM CST
Saturday 8 AM–2 PM CST (Chat Only)

Holiday hours

Martin Luther King Day: OPEN
Memorial Day: CLOSED
Independence Day: July 4: CLOSED
July 5: CLOSED
Labor Day: September 1: CLOSED
Thanksgiving: November 27: CLOSED
November 28: OPEN (Chat Only)
Christmas: December 24: CLOSED
December 25: CLOSED
New Year: January 1: CLOSED

Payment solutions

Phone and request forms

Monday–Thursday 7 AM–8 PM CST
Friday 7 AM–7 PM CST


Monday–Friday 8 AM–5 PM CST
Saturday 8 AM–2 PM CST (Chat Only)


Phone and request forms

Monday–Thursday 7 AM–8 PM CST
Friday 7 AM–7 PM CST


Monday–Friday 8 AM–5 PM CST
Saturday 8 AM–2 PM CST (Chat Only)

Contact support

We’re here to help! Contact our knowledgeable support team to get the assistance you need to keep your practice running smoothly.


Complete this form or call us at 877-999-2838.


All fields required unless noted as “optional.”